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How accurate is space weather forecasting?

Understanding the sunspot activity and the solar cycle is a key component of space weather forecasting and scientists hope to one day be able to forecast space weather as accurately as meteorologists forecast weather on Earth. Related: Space weather is difficult to predict — with only an hour to prevent disasters on Earth

How do I receive automated space weather alerts & warnings?

To receive automated space weather alerts and warnings, follow us on Twitter or users with a sector specific interest in space weather services can request a specialist space weather account . There are currently no active notifications. No enhanced geomagnetic activity is expected initially, aurora sightings are unlikely.

Can space weather wreak havoc on our technological world?

Space weather can wreak havoc on our technological world. Space weather can wreak havoc on the technological world and is tricky to predict. (Image credit: Pitris via Getty Images) Space weather refers to variations in the space environment that are a consequence of charged particles and electromagnetic radiation emitted from the sun.

When will sunspot risk wane?

This risk should begin to wane towards the middle of the coming UTC working week as these sunspots progress onto the far side. This channel highlights the outer atmosphere of the Sun - called the corona - as well as hot flare plasma.

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